Like Tiny Cubes of Glass (January 2004) An exhibition at Access Space by artists Matt Gray ( and James Wallbank ( The show also has a website where you can generate your own versions of the artworks live online! |
Hyperscape (October 2003) Richard Bolam's new project, using old 'BabyMacs' with Hypercard software and Applescript. The visuals created work along the theme of similarity with a degree of random divergence, and will be on show in the Workstation Oct/Nov 03. |
MAXIS festival (April 2003) RTI contributed to Scott Hawkins' festival and symposium of sound and experimental music in Leeds this year. Tony Goddard programmed 'redundant' laptops for a piece on the theme of unfulfilled predictions for the future of IT in the workplace. |
Futureproof (March 2003) Bard College's Centre for Curatorial Studies in New York State asked RTI to take part in an exhibition entitled "TechnoSkeptic". |
FaxTV (March 2002) Fax TV does exactly what its name implies: it enables viewers to fax the TV! FaxTV is an automated Fax to TV bridge that transforms the "one-to-many" televisual medium into an open access, "many-to-many" communication channel. |
Photocracy (November 2001) An exhibition of photocopy art at Access Space. Photocopies are the democratic art medium - they cost just a few pennies to make, and the only skill required is deciding what to copy. |
Plug'n'Politix (October 2001) This congress is to get the people involved in these kinds of projects to meet each other & build a network of open access initiatives & combine forces & knowledge for joint projects and initiatives. |
OOOH! (August-October 2001) Out of Our Heads! Collaboration with musical legends "The Mekons". A well-reviewed show which ended with vandals trashing the exhibits. Cool or what? |
US/UK Partnership (June 2001) Redundant Technology Initiative explores ways to make links and share experiences with US arts groups concerned with youth arts, and the potential for arts activity to include the excluded. |
Kicking The Upgrade Habit (December 2000) As part of the WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG exhibition, RTI presents "Kicking the Upgrade Habit (Surviving on the internet for less than $2 a day)". |
UpDate 18.07.00 (July 2000) Presentation & discussion surrounding alternative network culture, theory & practice. |
Tech_Nicks (Sheffield) (June-July 2000) Artivists Rachel Baker, Minerva Cuevas and the elusive Heath Bunting presented projects hosted on the IRATIONAL.ORG server, plus a barbeque & informastion exchange. |
Fort Lux (June 2000) RTI Show the Networked Lowtech Video Wall in possibly the coolest location in Europe - an underground fortress on an artificial island! |
Tech_Nicks (London) (October 2000) Installation of the ambitious networked Lowtech Video Wall at the Lux Gallery, Hoxton Square, as part of the Tech_Nicks event. |
Lovebytes (April 2000) Pictures of Paul Granjon's extraordinary robot birds, the Exhibition in Access Space, and other happenings at the venue during the Lovebytes Festival, just after it opened. |
Net_Condition (November 1999) Untitled trash technology installation by Redundant Technology Initiative for the exhibition "NET_CONDITION" at the Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medietechnologie in Karlsruhe, 1999. |
Used Future (October 1999) One of our most successful exhibition & recycling projects, the South Hill Park Arts Centre got the whole local community involved recovering computers for the show. |
trash?? (May-June 1999) Exhibition & trash-tech workshops for kids at Huddersfield Art Gallery. |
Lowtech Manifesto (March 1999) The Lowtech Manifesto has been an influential document, translated into many languages and republished. At the time it just seemed as if someone had to stand up and say "Stop this madness!" to the unquestioning technophile tendency. |
Art Servers Unlimited (April 1999) A conference at the ICA which brought togther many significant groups and projects in a field which was (and still is) stumbling around for a name. Do-It-Yourself Net Culture? Net.Art? Creative Online Activism? |
ISEA98 Presentation (September 1998) This presentation was given by James Wallbank at ISEA 98 to an audience of digital artists, activists, educators and arts administrators. It challenged the "REVOLUTION" theme of the conference, and suggested that much digital arts activity is complicit in a massive marketing push. |
Revolting (September 1998) RTI's ASCIIart hack-in at the "Revolting" temporary media lab was a celebration of the ASCIIart format, giving people an opportunity to create your own ASCIIart masterpieces and learn more about the original image file format. |
Redundant Array (April 1998) In April 1998 RTI occupied a warehouse in the centre of Sheffield and accumulated computers for our largest installation to date - Redundant Array. |
Size Matters (November 1997) Our first ever exhibition in a disused bar in Sheffield started the process that links creativity with technology recycling. At the start of the show we had just 32 PC's - a month later visitors had given us 170 more! |